PPA, Progres Partners Advertising, s.r.o.

Updated database of trade fairs in the Czech Republic and abroad

Constantly updated database of five thousand trade fairs and exhibitions in the Czech Republic and abroad with links to organisers. Easy searching according to chronology and field. Largest database of events on Czech Internet.

Olga Pešková
Account manager portálu Veletrhyavystavy.cz a Veletržní přílohy HN
tel.: 277 010 660
e-mail: ;




You can find company news on Facebook PPA, PPA Expo and FUTURE FORCES FORUM. You can also follow FFF on Linked-in, Twitter and Instagram

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Progres Partners Advertising, s. r. o.
Opletalova 55
110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
tel.: +420 224 213 905, +420 224 234 274
fax: +420 224 218 312, +420 224 235 033
e-mail: info@ppa.cz

Progres Partners Advertising, s. r. o.
Brigádníků 2/44, 100 00 Praha 10